Published Tuesday 14th May 2024
We've been in business since 2013 and opened our Youtube channel in 2017, but we've only ever really used it as a storage dump for small videos. Somewhere to drop screen recordings and game development previews for linking to from other social media posts and forums - places where you can't always just upload videos directly. These were nearly always short, unedited videos intended to accompany a post somewhere, so we never even bothered with proper thumbnails or tags. Attracting views was never really the point.
7 years on, it's time to tidy things up a little and offer actually useful video content, and so we're now a little more officially on Youtube!
Some of our old videos which just had no real use at all have been removed completely, others have been kept but assigned nice thumbnails and meaningful titles, and a couple have been recreated properly. Old playlists have been scrapped and the remaining videos reorganised into actually useful lists, and everything just generally looks a lot nicer and more on-brand.
Moving forwards, we're going to be posting better game development updates which are more self-contained and meaningful without their accompanying posts on other social media platforms, and we'll also start to post video tutorials - mostly in the form of relatively quick, to-the-point how-to videos for various operations in FOSS design and development tools like Blender, Gimp, Inkscape, and Godot. The kinds of things you, and admittedly we, find yourself having to look for usage examples of because you're just a little stumped at first.
Later on, we might even post longer-form video tutorial versions of our programming tutorials, though we'll continue to post these in blog format too.
So, if you're interested in what we're working on or would find use in our upcoming design and development video tutorials, follow our sort-of new Youtube channel,
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